Sowing to People or Selling for Mankind the choice is Yours

Sowing is somewhat different than selling. When you sell an item to someone you are looking to receive a certain price which merits your predetermined reward (value, return, maybe even profit in certain cases), after receiving your price you have accomplished your objective (your purpose). Whether the buyer uses the object wisely or unwisely will not affect your purpose because you already determined your objective when you established the price. Therefore selling is common practice in the world today, because the selling of goods generally involves the natural realm. The spiritual side of selling comes in play when we speak about how you sell and what products you sell. When selling or purchasing pay special attention to the product. Many use the words, “I got a good deal”, or “That is a good price” Good Price + Good Product = A Good Investment. A product needing a lot of work for a Decent Price = Is an investment with risk because you will not know if you have purchased a good product until it is working properly. Typically, one should avoid these types of investments unless they are an expert on the repairs for the respective investment. A Product needing a lot of work for a High Price = A Bad Investment (a Bad Deal). Even if you know how to repair this item it is probably wise to avoid this type of investment simply because the price is too high. You can evaluate natural things using these simple formulas with some added details, of course. Some of the details would involve the future, like how a product purchased today will perform in the future. Also, how will the future impact the products purchased today. These are two separate issues, one deals with the foresight of the manufacturer when creating the product (parts, design, new technology, etc…) , whereas the other deals with how will the future embrace the product you are thinking of purchasing (will this product be supported by the manufacturer in the future and the public or will it be dropped off the map). Whenever you deal with future events, price, materials, labor, the economy and the timing of the transactions are changing variables, these variables are too dynamic for man to firmly grasp and get a good hold on. However using man’s limited knowledge to recognize what is profitable right now with limited (short) future time involved he can predict his expected outcome with a certain (measured) amount of accuracy. Remember man is like God, in the image of God He created him, male and female created He them according to Genesis 1:27. Sowing also includes both the natural and the spiritual realms. The sowing of a good seed is determined by several variables. The quality of the product with respect to its cost is one variable and the way you sow is another item of significance and the type of ground you sow into is yet another issue of importance. These are some of the spiritual traits that make sowing an involved process. For one; the way you sow can preach the gospel of Jesus or it could represent the good works of men. Angela and I surely hope you choose the former, which is preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ by your lifestyle, including sowing or selling with the right heart. Hopefully, we as Christians preach it (show it, sow it, sell it) with Love, rather than contention. It is better to give in the Name of God’s Love rather than the name of your charity, which in some cases might be your own name. Another fact with sowing is that seeds need to be sown into good ground to generate a good harvest (sound production). The ground on the surface can be deceiving that is why we need the help of the Holy Spirit, Our Father and the Name of Jesus to peacefully and prayerfully pick the right type of ground to sow into. Ground is likened to the hearts of people, those with good ground praise God, since genuine praise is done in private (in the heart); only our Father which sees in secret can reward those openly who praise Him consistently with a sincere heart. The way you sow your seed is just as important because you have to treat and handle the seed (the object) and the ground (People) preciously and honorably. This should be done in excellence on our part to yield the optimal return, not how people perceive you or think about you, but rather how you perceive them and the object you are sowing. We must recognize that anything done in the Name of Jesus is holy and the item you are sowing is holy (separated) unto God. Are you gentle with the object or hard on it? Do keep the object clean and up-kept or do you disregard the state of object and let it decay? Do you have tender loving care for the people that might receive the object or do you typically disassociate yourself from them? Do you desire them to be blessed or are you just in it for yourself, your company or your church? All these questions point to having a pure and genuine heart before God and our fellowman. These principles also apply if we practice our selling as unto the Lord. Realizing that if you get out of balance by trying to sell something at too low of a cost to bless someone you cause a problem for someone else. If a transaction blesses one person but hurts several others it does not glorify God, because the Lord loves all people equally. The Lord usually will support the option that blesses the many over the few or the few over the one. For example when the people needed food God used the lunch of one to bless the many. The Lord also offers salvation to (the entire World) not just a select few (the Natural Children of Israel). For example if you purchased a house in a $100,000 neighborhood from a friend at $50,000 it would appear that you really helped your friend, but in doing so you dropped the price for any other homes being sold in that neighborhood. Also, if your friend has to sell that house in a few years they will have a hard time getting $100,000 due to their purchase price. What could have been done in that case is your friend purchased the house at $100,000 dollars and you give them $50,000 to put down toward the purchase of the house, thus keeping everyone in the neighborhood happy because their homes will keep their value. If you are considering selling an item at a very reduced rate please only do that with personal items that do not involve others. For example, if you sell a $15,000 Rolex watch to your younger brother for $1,000 dollars that will not reduce the value of Rolex watches across the world so that type of transaction would not hurt others so it would not violate God’s Love. We must comment that Sowing and Selling are both Godly and one should not be esteemed above another. The key difference is we are told to sow unto the poor and unto good causes that require donations and we are taught to sell for all others. Selling is primarily a necessary business transaction to help the economy worldwide. Selling has a divine purpose just as much as Sowing has a divine purpose from God we must know when to do each one. One of the primary things we should be concerned about in either sowing or selling is the product; good products are from God whereas bad products are not from God. Sell or Sow only good products and try to purchase only products that would glorify God because they are good products or at least has the potential to be a good product in the near future. Remember James 1:17

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. KJV

Sowing is definitely a greater process if you are giving to people as unto the Lord because anything that bears His Name (The Name of Jesus) has greatness already attached to it. The Lord blesses sowing and promises a return to those who give from a pure heart of Love. However, the Lord will bring the right buyer and help you determine a good price for any item you desire to sell. Selling and sowing both yield good rewards when we do them God’s Way, we just need to honor the principles found in God’s Word to properly honor all people on the earth. Sowing and selling is a tremendous blessing to mankind right now and we are certain that they both will continue to bless people in the future when done in God’s Love. Therefore; prayer and patience must be exercised when deciding which processes is best to use for your particular situation. Generally, the purpose should be that all parties may be blessed and our Heavenly Father may be gloried in the earth and the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified through His Body, the Church. Amen.

Proverbs 11:24-26
24 There are those who [generously] scatter abroad, and yet increase more; there are those who withhold more than is fitting or what is justly due, but it results only in want.
25 The liberal person shall be enriched, and he who waters shall himself be watered. [2 Corinthians 9:6-10.]
26 The people curse him who holds back grain [when the public needs it], but a blessing [from God and man] is upon the head of him who sells it. AMP

In His Love, Eric & Angela Foster

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